
photo of a deer killed by Mason Corneliusphoto of a deer killed by Mason Corneliusphoto of a deer killed by Mason Cornelius

Hunter: Mason Cornelius

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Brooks

Season: 2015-2016

Hunt Story

My Dad and I went out Thanksgiving evening at 2:30 pm to LUCKY stand #3 that my brother Clay drew out of a hat for us. He won his week in the Youth Truck-Buck Contest two years ago out of the same stand! We saw a few small bucks early on chasing does, and then it got quiet, so I took a nap. My Dad woke me up at 5pm to tell me there was a small 9-point and some more does/yearlings in the plot. He told me to be patient that the BIG 8-point my Uncle missed earlier in the week might show back up. He was right, at 5:30 pm he showed up to our right 50 yards away. He started heading toward two does in front of us, so my Dad grunted at him to stop him, and I shot him with my .243 that my Grandpa gave me for Christmas. He ran about 40 yards and fell over, and I got really bad buck fever. My FIRST deer, I'm so EXCITED!
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