
photo of a deer killed by Luke Parkmanphoto of a deer killed by Luke Parkmanphoto of a deer killed by Luke Parkman

Hunter: Luke Parkman

Points: 12 (5L, 7R)

County: Morgan

Season: 2020-2021

Hunt Story

Daddy and I had been watching this buck all summer on camera. My papa loaned me his Mission crossbow so that I could hunt this buck during bow season. I practiced with the crossbow so that I would be ready. We hunted the first day of bow season but our buck didn't show. We went back on Sunday and this buck showed up at 6:50 p.m. I shot him at 15 yards from a double ladder stand. We watched the buck run 30 yards and fall. It's my biggest buck so far. Thanks papa for loaning your crossbow to me!
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