
photo of a deer killed by Lilla Beth Summersphoto of a deer killed by Lilla Beth Summersphoto of a deer killed by Lilla Beth Summers

Hunter: Lilla Beth Summers

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Taylor

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

My dad and I had been hunting for a couple of hours and had watched several small bucks and does feeding and moving through the field. A larger buck walked out about 1000 yards away and we were watching him through binoculars when all of a sudden we heard a buck grunting off to the right. At this point a doe ran out into the field about 150 yards away. My buck was chasing her. My dad and I had to switch seats in the stand. I sat down and found the buck in the scope but he was facing away from us. After several minutes (felt like hours) he turned broadside and I shot him. He dropped and I knew I had him. This was my first deer. Thank you for letting me share my hunt. Lilla Beth Summers
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