
photo of a deer killed by Levi Noblesphoto of a deer killed by Levi Noblesphoto of a deer killed by Levi Nobles

Hunter: Levi Nobles

Points: 9 (5L, 4R)

County: Sumter

Season: 2024-2025

Hunt Story

I have had this deer in front of me three times previous to this morning and just never had the opportunity to take a shot. I saw this deer Sunday afternoon locked down with a doe they both made it in bow range just never had a clear shot. I took off work Monday morning to hunt him. I got in the stand early, the wind was right. My thinking was all I need is this doe to come by and he will be behind her. Deer started moving right at daylight and around eight am I caught movement about 200 yards in front of me. I got binoculars up and could tell it was him and he was heading to me without the doe. He got within 100 yards and started to turn and walk a different route. I picked up grunt call and blew it one time real soft he turned and looked straight my way. He came all the way in to 32 yards and I was able to draw and get a shot off. A morning I will not forget anytime soon.
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