
photo of a deer killed by Lauren Martinphoto of a deer killed by Lauren Martinphoto of a deer killed by Lauren Martin

Hunter: Lauren Martin

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Cherokee

Season: 2024-2025

Hunt Story

I was out of work for Christmas and my dad asked me to go hunting with him in the morning, I was really wanting to sleep in but he woke me up that morning anyways. We had been sitting in the stand for about 2 hours when we decided to snack on a Little Debbie gingerbread man and sip on some coffee. About 20 minutes after our snack time he stepped out of the wood line into the food plot, he was heading straight toward us. I got him in my sites and was waiting for him to turn broadside. What felt like forever he finally turned to head back into the woods and I dropped him in his tracks.
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