
photo of a deer killed by Karlie Arrendalephoto of a deer killed by Karlie Arrendalephoto of a deer killed by Karlie Arrendale

Hunter: Karlie Arrendale

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Brooks

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

We got settled into the stand about 30 minutes before daylight. Right before daylight we could hear him chasing all around us and could make out shadows. Once it got good light we finally could see him. I knew he was a shooter and told Karlie to get the gun up and get ready. The doe came out of the clear-cut to our right and cut across the food plot. Shortly after he walked out of the clear cut into the food plot and stopped. I told her to take her time and shoot him when she was on him. "BANG", I thought it was a good hit when she shot and he buckled and went out the back of the food plot. Karlie could hardly talk and we immediately high-fived. I made her wait 20 minutes before we went to look for him. I got a little discouraged as there was no blood at where he was standing, but I was sure she hit it and I headed the direction he exited the food plot. We found him only about 50 yards out of the back of the food plot and the real celebration began. Awesome day to be in the woods
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