
photo of a deer killed by Jackson Fisherphoto of a deer killed by Jackson Fisherphoto of a deer killed by Jackson Fisher

Hunter: Jackson Fisher

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Morgan

Season: 2019-2020

Hunt Story

After a great football game for my son Jackson Fisher, we headed off to a much anticipated youth hunting season opener in Morgan County GA off Godfrey Road. Temps had finally dropped. Had several nice 8-pointers coming into this particular area we were going to hunt. Jackson has shot his first deer a doe the season before but had never tagged a buck. We both had high hopes for the first afternoon hunt. Slipped into the bling and got the 7mm-08 set up on the tripod and settled in. Wasn’t 15 minutes later few does started working their way through the hardwoods. Then to my surprise a big buck steps out at 60 yards into an opening. I glassed the deer and realized it was a 125-inch 10-pointer I had never been on camera before. The deer got into the dry creek bed to eat acorns, and it seemed Luke an eternity before he can back out. After over an hour of trying to find a shot, Jackson said he finally had a clear shot — 10 ring behind shoulder!!! Big buck made it 40 yards and fell over. Jackson jumped into me kissed my face and said thanks so much daddy. We screamed and carried on for awhile. Probably the entire county heard us. It was an amazing hunt with my favorite hunting buddy. One we will never soon forget!!
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