
photo of a deer killed by Huntley Ashleyphoto of a deer killed by Huntley Ashleyphoto of a deer killed by Huntley Ashley

Hunter: Huntley Ashley

Points: 11 (4L, 7R)

County: Pulaski

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Huntley is my son, I picked him up from school early to take him hunting. Around 5:00 pm we heard deer running and bucks chasing does behind us in the hardwoods. We were sitting in a two-man ladder stand over looking a cotton field surrounded by hardwoods. Well, the deer funneled behind us and there was a nice 9 point in the rear we watched him walk out in front of us and decided to let him walk. As we were watching him walk off his buck walked out 50 yards to our right and started to chase a doe into the cotton field. The deer would not stop to my grunt call so I whistled to make him stop. Not realizing the deer was around 180 yards by now. Well when he stopped he dropped him in his tracks. He was super excited!!
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