
photo of a deer killed by Hunter Corleyphoto of a deer killed by Hunter Corleyphoto of a deer killed by Hunter Corley

Hunter: Hunter Corley

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Grady

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Got in the stand about 6:20AM, while waiting for the sun to rise, Hunter said he thinks he should've slept in. I told him the big boy will be out shortly and we can drag him and take a nap. About 7:20AM I heard a noise in the distance but couldn't make it out. Not 5 minutes later, I looked on the hillside at the treeline about 150 yards and spotted a good buck. I looked through the scope and seen he was a good'n and told Hunter to get ready. About that time turkeys flew over the deer spooking him, he started running up the hill. I started grunting, stopping him in his tracks giving Hunter time to get on him. He started trotting up the hill some more and I grunted vigorously to stop him again giving Hunter that extra second to drop the hammer. I could tell he was hit but couldn't tell how good as he ran over the hill. We sat about 10 min and the anticipation grew, we had to get down and go look. We started up the hill to look for blood, and as we topped the hill I spotted him laying not 20 yards from the shot. Hunter layed him down with a 7mm-08 at 150 yards on his first deer ever spotted through a scope. Rough score of 150 inches, 210 pound monster 10-point.
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