Hunter: Harvey Neighbors Jr.
Points: 8 (4L, 4R)
County: Troup
Season: 2021-2022
Hunt Story
After shooting this buck on 11/23 and following the blood trail and jumping him up, I backed out. Wondering about my shot and going back that day and again on 11/26 and no success, I knew I made a bad shot on him. Seeing all the mass he had, I was sick. I decided to go back on 11/28 and go to the creek because I knew they go to water when injured. I had walked 40 yards past my stand when I heard a big splash and saw horns. I immediately sat down and watched him for 25 minutes after he crossed the creek. I couldn't believe he was still alive but he was injured and I saw the mass and knew it was him. I got a clear shot and dropped maybe my biggest buck ever. Unbelievable. He had a hole in his rack and ear from being shot before, so the hole in the horn buck.