
photo of a deer killed by Gloria Overholtphoto of a deer killed by Gloria Overholtphoto of a deer killed by Gloria Overholt

Hunter: Gloria Overholt

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Macon

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

I made a last-minute decision to go hunting that evening and got to my blind a little later than I hoped. I was hunting a property I'd been hunting earlier in the season for one of our target deer, but the neighbor shot it the week before, so to my knowing there wasn't a shooter around. My husband always says, "It's November and anything can happen." A little after 5:00 the activity started picking up with several does eating and a few small bucks pushing them around. This guy walked out on the food plot and I thought he was a young up-and-coming 8-point we'd seen several times, he bristled up at a small 4-point farther up the food plot and started walking towards him, he suddenly changed his interest and turned and came my way chasing a doe off the corn pile. He stopped there and started eating, that's when I noticed he was a 10 with good mass and not a deer I recognized, I quickly text my husband to see if he knew the deer (we had a cell camera at this spot and I knew he would have a picture by now) He said he had never seen him before and I could shoot him if I wanted to. I sat there a minute or two trying to make up my mind when he turned broadside, at that moment I thought, he'd definitely be my biggest buck and if I don't take this shot I'll regret it! I drew back and took the shot. Only my second bow kill and possibly my first pope and young. I'm so thankful to be able to hunt these beautiful creators in God's great outdoors!
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