
photo of a deer killed by Evan Hallphoto of a deer killed by Evan Hallphoto of a deer killed by Evan Hall

Hunter: Evan Hall

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Ben Hill

Season: 2022-2023

Hunt Story

I was sitting with my Daddy in a buddy stand that he had recently moved and set up on the edge of a corn field. We were sitting there just whispering to each other when we noticed a doe step out on the edge of the field and then two more does stepped out into the field. My Daddy told me to keep a watch because there could be a buck with them and within a couple minutes he stepped out into the edge of the field and started to walk in the other direction. The buck stopped and I asked if I could shoot him now and he told me I could shoot if I could hold steady and I told him yes I could.
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