
photo of a deer killed by Eric Mullisphoto of a deer killed by Eric Mullisphoto of a deer killed by Eric Mullis

Hunter: Eric Mullis

Points: 12 (6L, 6R)

County: Worth

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Deer had been seen 3 times prior to the day he was killed. Had a doe cross a road at 400 yards, and he was trailing her. After about 15 minutes she crossed the road agin about 300 yards with buck in tow. He would not stop. As I watched the doe, I realized she was making her way to the food plot. As she entered the food plot he was 10 yards behind her. She made a loop in the corner of the food plot. As he entered, he stopped for a moment, just enough to make the shot. He ran about 50 yards and I watched him go down. Waited for other deer to leave before getting down to recover deer. Blessed with this outstanding deer.
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