
photo of a deer killed by Donald Watkinsphoto of a deer killed by Donald Watkinsphoto of a deer killed by Donald Watkins

Hunter: Donald Watkins

Points: 9 (4L, 5R)

County: Madison

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Hunted all day Saturday using J&S Scents doe estrus without any luck Sunday morning still using the same doe estrus at 7:25 this buck came jogging up sniffing the air searching for a doe he got within 30 yards of my stand and I took him down right where he stood haven't ever seen him before not even on camera decided to wait a few and 30 minutes later another nice buck and doe came running up, but I was tagged out at that moment so I had to let him walk. This is my third 9-pointer from this spot in the past 5 years
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