
photo of a deer killed by Cora Lee Evansphoto of a deer killed by Cora Lee Evansphoto of a deer killed by Cora Lee Evans

Hunter: Cora Lee Evans

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Ben Hill

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Big T first showed up on camera on August 7, 2022. He showed up during daylight one time last season and I couldn't get a shot. After much preparation and countless hunts, he gave me another opportunity on November 3, just minutes before legal shooting time ended. A couple of small bucks and a couple of does came out and fed for a while. The small bucks fought for a few minutes and ran the does around the food plot and eventually out of sight. I thought my hunt was over for the day, then finally Big T appeared. He walked the perimeter of the food plot as I settled my nerves. I waited as he got within about 90 yards, took the shot, and watched him drop. The hunt for Big T was over.
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