
photo of a deer killed by Chase Ledgerphoto of a deer killed by Chase Ledgerphoto of a deer killed by Chase Ledger

Hunter: Chase Ledger

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Sumter

Season: 2020-2021

Hunt Story

I was hunting last Monday morning while we were having "Cold" weather for Southwest GA. I had been hunting this buck all season. I had him on camera and had watched him a few times. He never seemed to get close enough for me to get a shot at him. He even ran off another buck once while I was watching him. While sitting this particular morning, I was lucky enough for him to get close enough to get a shot at him. As he was approaching, I made a noise to make him stop, drew my bow and turned on the video camera all before I released my bow and he was struck.
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