
photo of a deer killed by Cayden Buckphoto of a deer killed by Cayden Buckphoto of a deer killed by Cayden Buck

Hunter: Cayden Buck

Points: 7 (3L, 4R)

County: Elbert

Season: 2019-2020

Hunt Story

My Dad and I slipped into a new ground blind location in an area that no one has hunted in the last couple of years. It's on the point of some planted pines watching two hardwood fingers come together along a field. Shortly after daylight I saw a deer and tapped my Dad on the leg and pointed in the direction of the deer. I had only seen one deer, but when dad looked up he saw a deer that I hadn't seen. The first deer moved and dad saw it. He watched the first deer walk thru an opening. He saw it had a good rack with his naked eye and told me to shoot the first one as soon as I had a shot. The buck kept walking and I didn't have a shot. The second buck walked about 5 yards and stopped and looked at the blind for a minute. Dad whispered don't move he is looking at us. The first buck got into the thick field edge, and I still couldn't get a shot. The second buck took a few steps and got behind some trees and stopped and looked around. I was shaking so bad that dad patted me on the leg and told me to just close my eyes and take some deep breathes and relax. I did but I don't think it helped me to much. The first buck was walking along the field edge in the thick brush but I couldn't see him like dad could. The second buck walked into an opening and dad bleated with his mouth to stop him. The buck stopped and dad whispered take him if you have a shot. I squeezed the trigger and the buck dropped his front end and ran about 20 yards with his rear end up before bouncing off some trees. He crashed to the ground and kicked his way close to the ditch. Dad was so excited he bolted the shell out of his gun, thinking he had shot. He had brought it in case we saw some hogs. He gave me knuckles and started hugging me. Dad then called PaPa who was hunting about 200 yards away and told him that I had shot a big buck. Papa said the shot scared him to death and he was on his way. I think this was the longest five minutes of my life. I didn't get the bigger buck but he is my biggest deer yet. And dad says he has never killed one with a body that big in Georgia.
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