Hunter: Brayde Milford
Points: 9 (4L, 5R)
County: Franklin
Season: 2019-2020
Hunt Story
Had dozens of pics of this deer and a couple other deer of the same quality entering a bean field to feed most every morning at daylight and again most every evening. My opening morning hunt was unsuccessful as my camera showed all 3 shooters fed through well before daylight. Sunday evening I had the right wind to try them again and the bachelor's group came in directly behind me feeding on water oaks and staged up on me for 45 minutes at 15 yards with no shot opportunity, until they finally decided it was safe to enter the bean field. Wrong! 42 yards and quartered pretty hard, the biggest of the bunch had his last meal. Rage Hypodermic cut him real bad and I don't see how he made It the 80 yards! One of my better deer with a bow. Blessed to be able to enjoy God's great outdoors!