
photo of a deer killed by Annie Dobbsphoto of a deer killed by Annie Dobbsphoto of a deer killed by Annie Dobbs

Hunter: Annie Dobbs

Points: 9 (5L, 4R)

County: Henry

Season: 2024-2025

Hunt Story

My sister and I were drawn for Henry County Water Authority (HCWA) youth deer hunt. My dad, Stevie Dobbs was hunting with me. They drew names for spots, we were hunting in a transition area of planted pines to hardwood bottom/gully. We only saw one doe during morning hunt and I could not get shot at it. Dad told me we were in a good spot with acorns dropping, so we should see more deer in evening hunt. The HCWA provided lunch for us, it was great! They had a raffle after lunch. We went back for afternoon hunt at 2, they dropped us off at our blind. Around 5:30 a small buck appeared to the right of us eating acorns, we watched him for 5 to 10 minutes. The bottom dropped off quick in front of us, he disappeared down in a gully, and 10 or so minutes later we saw movement in the bottom. It was thick and hard to see but we spotted my buck and another deer we could not see what it was. We assumed it was smaller buck from earlier. My buck was rubbing its nose on a limb making a scrape. After a few minutes they disappeared into the gully. A few minutes later 2 deer came out of the gully to the left out of range and in thick woods. We thought it was the two bucks we had been watching. We were very disappointed because we thought one was my deer. Daddy decided to rattle to see if they would turn around, he rattled a couple of times and we waited and watched. We were watching in the direction the two deer went when I caught movement in front of us. It was the big buck coming up out of bottom!!! It turned and started walking left, my dad helped me reposition the gun. It stopped right in the shooting lane about 50 yards!! Daddy kept saying shoot, shoot so I aimed at shoulder and shot. He fell over right there! I was so excited, it was my first big buck!! My dad kept fist pumping and hugging me! We went over right away to look at him and take some pics. My twin sister was hunting with my mom, she got a big doe! Thank you to HCWA for a great hunt!!
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