
photo of a deer killed by Amy Dossphoto of a deer killed by Amy Dossphoto of a deer killed by Amy Doss

Hunter: Amy Doss

Points: 9 (4L, 5R)

County: Tift

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

I had targeted this deer persistently since the previous weekend, opening day. Finally with the right wind direction, still battling the heat and mosquitoes and with 3 coyotes lurking in the planted pines to the east, a 3-year-old 8-point and what I could tell was a mature buck both slowly appeared from the west. With only about 5 minutes of legal shooting light left, I was able to determine which buck it was and I quickly released the arrow hitting him directly behind the shoulder. It was pretty awesome seeing the illuminated nock zip right through him and I felt like he wouldn’t make it very far. The 2-blade Rage did its job and 60 yards away I found my 264.2 lb monster buck. Our processor, Daniel’s Creek, stated that it was the biggest deer he’d ever weighed/hung. What an adrenaline rush to begin hunting season 2023/24!
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