
photo of a deer killed by Addy Rae Purvisphoto of a deer killed by Addy Rae Purvisphoto of a deer killed by Addy Rae Purvis

Hunter: Addy Rae Purvis

Points: 11 (5L, 6R)

County: Jefferson

Season: 2020-2021

Hunt Story

I finally got an afternoon off from harvest season. I picked Addy up from school and we rushed home to take showers and get our gear. We got to the stand at 4 o’clock. We had just sat down in our chairs when I looked up and saw a deer standing in the poweline. I checked it with the binoculars and my jaw about hit the floor. I told Addy there was a mature buck in the power line about 175 yards out. While she stood up and got her eyes on him I loaded a round in her rifle. I handed her the gun and she got him in the scope. She said she had it on him and squeezed off the shot. He turned and ran back the way he came from. We waited about 30 minutes and got down to look for him. She made a perfect shot and he went about 30 yards. We were surprised to say the least. Building memories!!
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