Hunter: Aaron Conner
Points: 11 (6L, 5R)
County: Lumpkin
Season: 2023-2024
Hunt Story
He was a decent 9-pointer last year, but the neighbors and I decided that we were going to let him walk unless one of our daughters got a chance at him. I caught him several times on trail cameras after the season ended, then I didn't get pictures of him until mid-July. This year he showed up as a main-frame 10 with a little drop on his left beam. He's been hit or miss, going MIA for days at a time. He tended to show up on a creek bottom at the back of the property. I went to check a couple oak ridges on the front of the property last week. Acorns were raining and there was a lot of good sign. I hung a cell camera beneath a group of white oaks and caught one pic of him about 2 days later. Decided to hang a stand in there on Sunday after church. When I got back home, I checked my account and found three pics of him at 10 a.m. Kind of last minute, I decided to get a hall pass from the wife and go sit a couple hours. I got in a little later than I wanted, but I just had this feeling. Climbed up and sat about an hour before he came in. He came in facing me with a tree between us at 40 yards. I just had to wait him out. He finally moved to his left a bit, but I still couldn't get a clear shot. Waited another couple minutes and decided if he took just half a step, I was gonna send it. When he did, I sent one right through his heart. He went 30 yards and piled up. So glad to get my hands on this one. Especially since it came off a 45-acre track that we bought a couple years ago.