Hunter: Jess McNeill
Points: 9 (4L, 5R)
County: Sumter
Season: 2020-2021
Hunt Story
Been watching this buck for while. Lots of pics of him. Saw him for the first time from the stand October 30, and my time in the woods went to the next level. I even apologized to my wife for what I would be like until I killed this buck. Saw him not hunting November 13 evening with a couple does. I have a stand in that area so went there early the next morning. Saw him about 7:10 a.m. about 100 yards away with his does. They were headed to bed. I snort wheezed and grunted twice. Apparently I did it the right way! He and another buck came in on a string — 19-yard, quartering-away shot. I watched him pile up ab 75 yards from my stand.