Hunter: Richard Duncan
Points: 11 (5L, 6R)
County: Macon
Season: 2017-2018
Hunt Story
Over the course of the summer, I had multiple trail-camera pictures of this buck. I hunted him all during bow season, but trail-camera pictures showed that he was being nocturnal. As gun season got closer he seemed to be on camera just a few minutes before daylight and a few minutes before dark pretty frequently. So I continued to hunt the spot where I was getting pictures of him, because I felt like he was likely to make a mistake and come out in shooting light at any time. On the evening of the 29th I got in my stand at 5 p.m. and had a smaller 9-pointer run does out of the field around 6:45 p.m. It had been really windy, but around 6:30 p.m. the wind had started to die down. Around 7 p.m. this buck stepped out in a shooting lane that I had made in one of my food plots. I knew right away that it was the buck that I was after, that I had so many trail-camera pictures of. I took the shot and dropped him in his tracks. Its bittersweet that the hunt for this buck is over, but I am thankful to God for the ability to hunt and the opportunity to finally put this buck on the ground.