

Outdoors Without Limits Hosts Lanier Striper Event For Disabled

There was nervous anticipation on the GON Forum several days prior to the March 23 event for disabled sportsmen on Lake Lanier; the weather forecast was less than ideal with the potential for strong storms and lightning. However, after seeing a slight break in the weather window with a day to go, Tim Rowe, aka…

The State of Hybrids and Stripers

Wondered lately why the hybrids have all but disappeared from your favorite lake? Would you be surprised to hear that some years Lake Lanier has been stocked with fewer striped bass per acre than Seminole, High Falls and Sinclair? Few anglers, even guides who make their living going after these fish, know much about the…

Juliette’s Light Switch Stripers

Lake Juliette, near Forsyth, is a hot bed of action for striper anglers. While many of Georgia’s striper fishermen overlook this small body of water, due to it’s size and motor horsepower restrictions, it is arguably one of the better striper fisheries in the state. This 3,600-acre body of water is essentially a big holding…

Trophy Time For Carters Stripers

If you’re willing to brave any north Georgia mountain lake in January, you know what you’re in for. It’s going to be cold, and the wind is likely to blow a bit. However, those folks who choose to hunt the beastly striped bass on Carters Lake will be rewarded this month. That is, if they’re…

Pattern Travel Routes For Clarks Hill Linesides

Striper fishing on Clarks Hill can be a lot like another popular November pursuit… deer hunting. Want to know why? Ask guide William Sasser, a veteran of the better part of 30 years on the lake. On a recent evening, I caught up with William, owner of William Sasser Guide Service, and picked his brain…

Lake Nottely April Striped Bass Bite

Lake Nottely is one of the top lakes in north Georgia when it comes to producing big stripers. When compared with the other mountain lakes, it may be the best. This month the fish will be on the move from their wintertime patterns into a spawning attempt and back into a transitional period before they…

Spooning Up Hartwell Linesides

  The chill of winter puts far too many anglers on the sidelines. Some of the biggest and most impressive stringers of fish you will ever see are caught in early February while air and water temperatures are at their lowest. My advice is to put on plenty of clothes and strike out to Lake…

Weiss Winter Stripers Hit Anything Moving

Getting out on the lake at 3 a.m. to catch bait for the morning striped-bass bite can be a daunting proposition when it’s warm out. In January, when frigid temperatures can freeze a cast net solid to the deck of the boat, netting bait is downright unpleasant. The good news for striper anglers on Lake…

SEEDS Striper Trip Sends 20 Kids Fishing

Thanks to a host of volunteers, the annual SEEDS Striper Fishing Event took place on Saturday, Oct. 16 at Lake Lanier. This fourth-annual kids striper-fishing event is just one more way the Georgia Outdoor Network continues to support youth-mentoring programs that are designed to teach kids to hunt and fish. “Each year the young men…

Lanier Striper Record Falls

Almost a quarter century ago, Roger Snipes caught a 46-lb. Lake Lanier striped bass that became one of the longest-standing, most sought-after lake records in Georgia. Imagine the hours of striper fishing that have been put in at Lanier since Roger’s catch. On April 3, the Lanier striper record finally fell — and to a…

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