The small hand-held scale registered 24 pounds. The battle was over, and I had won… sort of. The fish, a typical hard-charging lineside, never gave up, fighting all the way to the net and winning my admiration. It’s hard to not like the striper, the biggest, fastest and strongest of Georgia’s reservoir fish. Stripers, which…
A look at this year’s statewide stocking proposals shows it’s not just five middle Georgia lakes that will see a lineside stocking change this year. All the lakes on the Chattahoochee River are on a list to receive striper fingerlings this May, including West Point and Eufaula. Statewide, nine reservoirs will be stocked with stripers…
Lineside fishermen on several middle Georgia lakes will see a change in future years. A plan to begin phasing in the stocking of stripers and phasing out the stocking of hybrids was introduced by WRD Fisheries biologists at a public meeting in Milledgeville last month. Lakes feeding the Altamaha River basin that over the past…
Beginning in March, white bass, hybrids and stripers begin their spring migration out of many of Georgia’s reservoirs and up the tributary rivers. Places like Dyers Pasture on the Oconee River above Lake Oconee, the Chattahoo-chee above Lanier around Lula, and Franklin Shoals on the Chattahoochee above Lake West Point are legendary for the phenomenal…
They fight better than they eat… and they eat good! The hybrid bass has become one of the favorite freshwater game fish in Georgia waters. This fish, which is a cross between white and striped bass, is an excellent fighter, pound for pound, and can also provide some good table fare. The Georgia WRD Fisheries…
Have you seen The Perfect Storm? I did. Not the movie, the real thing. It hit the Allatoona Creek arm of Lake Allatoona on April 14. The irony of the weather that day was almost as surprising as the sustained winds and how low the temperatures got. It was about as bad a January day…
Lineside fishing guide Greg Beck snatched the rod from the rod holder and reared back to set the hook, but the fish was already gone. Before he could replace the rod, another planer board shuddered on the surface, then surged backwards, signaling a hit on the trailing blueback herring. Greg hurriedly set down the first…
David Phillips, of Milledgeville, caught this 10-lb., 7-oz. lake-record hybrid on Lake Sinclair on Nov. 27, 1998.
“October will be a dynamite month for hybrids,” said Tony, “and they are just about to turn on here in West Point.” As he said that, guide Tony Daigrepont was just finishing his boat preparation for a live-bait hybrid trip on West Point. It had been a slow, hot summer for hybrids, and Tony was…
That Lake Chatuge could produce very large hybrid bass, a hatchery-created cross between striped bass and white bass, became apparent about five or six years ago. Local anglers began hooking some big hybrids, mostly at night during April and May while casting crankbaits for spotted bass and smallmouths. As word spread about hybrid bass weighing…