For five years, a big Laurens County whitetail buck taunted Tyler Bell, and he couldn’t do much about it. The deer made fleeting appearances on his game cameras, but Tyler never actually saw it with his own eyes—that is until Nov. 1, 2021. “My next-door neighbor owns about 130 acres and plants gardens every year,”…
There is accomplishment and satisfaction enough in just taking a mature buck. Doing so on public land? Now that’s another level of high-five in the deer woods. Georgia offers some very good deer hunting on public lands, from state-managed Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) to federal lands like national forests and national wildlife refuges. Here’s a…
The power of the internet… On Oct. 5, GON released a story about Ava Morgan, 13, of Wray, shooting two deer with one shot from her crossbow, Part of that story included the fact that Ava saved up her own money over the summer and bought a crossbow from Academy Sports + Outdoors in Valdosta. Well,…
By Adam Shaw On a logging road I’ve traveled 100 times, I noticed multiple fresh scrapes along a treeline. On the evening of Oct. 9, I decided to hang a climber with my bow in range of two scrapes. The next morning it was 70 degrees, and I got in my climber 30 minutes before…
By Justin Tucker Holland Since I was little, I have always enjoyed taking my friends hunting and just being able to see the way they enjoy everything about it. Guiding hunts and teaching youth about how to hunt and respect nature has got me hooked on everything about it. And I have had some awesome…
The race was on, and CB radio voices crackled with excitement as the buck turned and twisted through the south Georgia swamp, hounds swerving to his every move. Pickup trucks whirled plumes of dust skyward as they raced down narrow dirt lanes, hunters going all-out to get ahead of it all and hopefully into place…
Taking a trophy buck is a dream of every hunter. For Jonathan Stevens, that dream quickly turned into a nightmare. Jonathan was hunting a food plot behind his Swainsboro home in Emanuel County when a routine situation suddenly turned into a life-and-death struggle. “I was hunting a food plot behind my house and two does…
With bucks laying down sign and chasing does, November sees a flurry of activity in the Georgia deer woods. And as usual, we’ve seen some fantastic bucks. And the action is far from over. Our GON Hunt Advisors report on how the hunting has been in their areas, and they also provide some tips on…
Bailey Combs, of Smyrna, was able to connect on his second giant bow-kill of the 2021 season after taking down a buck nicknamed “Bases Loaded” last week in Cherokee County. Bailey’s first bow-kill came on the opening day of bow season. That buck was named “Full Count” and grosses around 160 inches. Bailey is a…
As urban sprawl continues across Georgia, much of the state’s deer herd continues to be forced into smaller and smaller pockets of land. As a result, what once seemed unimaginable—trophy bucks within the city of Atlanta—has become a reality. YouTube shows such as Seek One have alerted many hunters to the bonanza awaiting in the…