The story of Lefty started during the 2017 rut on a family farm in Macon County. Drake Rye had just turned 4 years old and was checking trail-camera pictures with his dad, Brandon Rye, when they saw an up-and-coming buck with a lot of potential. Macon County requires at least a 15-inch outside spread, and…
Below is a list of certified scorers you can contact to have your rack officially scored for GON’s County-by-County and WMA records, and also for the all-time records of the Boone & Crockett Club or the Pope & Young Club if your buck meets the minimums for those national organizations. Please always keep in mind…
Cody Gay, 16, of Nicholls, recently made his trip to Adventure Outdoors after winning GON’s 2023 Youth Big-Buck Contest Shoot-Out at GON’s Outdoor Blast at the end of July. Cody’s highlight from his grand-prize $3,000 shopping spree was a Browning .270 deer rifle topped with a Leupold scope. In addition to his new deer rifle, Cody…
Duncan Dobie’s new book Dawn of American Deer Hunting, Volume III, is just off the press. The 256-page, 8 1/2 x 11-inch hardback contains more than 300 vintage black-and-white photos and dozens of fascinating stories. The book retails for $40. With the amazing success of Duncan Dobie’s first two volumes of the “Dawn” series published…
Adam Grant thought it would be only fitting if he were to finally take the mysterious buck that he calls Ghost on Halloween. That unfortunately was not in the cards, but he did score on Ghost’s running buddy, Spook. “The last two seasons I’ve been after a really big buck on my Big Rock Hunting…
Deer hunting in the rain can be a lot of fun, if you do it right. Precipitation from either rain, sleet or snow in the right amounts can get deer moving and help you have a great hunt. I have had some of my best hunts on the worst weather days. While some people are inside…
Dayton Cannon, of Cochran, has had an exceptional year in 2023, killing two record-class bucks with a bow, a 140-inch typical and a 195-inch non-typical. Both bucks were killed in Bleckley County. On Oct. 12, he was in a stand in a hardwood bottom when a huge 9-pointer came easing down the trail at 5:30…
There are dedicated bowhunters who hunt exclusively with a bow, even during gun season. It’s mostly because they like the greater challenge of hunting with a primitive weapon. That greater challenge naturally results in a higher level of satisfaction once they close the deal. After all, anyone can sit in a tree stand or blind,…
It would be a stretch to call 20-year-old Marley Sudduth a deer-hunting veteran. Let’s just say she has a knack for shooting weird deer. “I’ve taken three bucks in my lifetime, and a few does, and one of those bucks was a piebald,” the Cordele resident said. “I was tickled to death to get that…
You don’t see many bucks with the combination of white piebald markings, age and rack size like the one killed opening morning of firearms season in Turner County by Jonathan Duke, of Buchanan. “There is a lot of history with this buck,” Jonathan said. “I’ve had him on camera for two years, and we had…