

Get Ready For Bowhunting’s Moment of Truth

I stumbled across some interesting information on the Internet a while ago concerning the origin of Murphy’s Law (“If anything can go wrong,it will”). It seems that in California back in 1949 there was an Air Force Captain named Edward Murphy. He was an engineer working on a troublesome military project and coined the phrase after running into problem after problem. Now I don’t have…

Georgia Closes Doors To Farm Deer

In June, 2002, Georgia DNR and the Department of Agriculture enacted an emergency rule closing Georgia’s borders to the importation of farmed, captive-bred deer and elk in an effort to prevent chronic wasting disease (CWD) from reaching this state. The emergency rule is good only for 120 days, but in that time the agencies will…

Sight Your Deer Rifle

Nothing is more critical in deer-hunting success than bullet placement. When you pull the trigger on your deer rifle, you should be completely confident that the bullet will hit where you aimed. The only way to have that confidence and to improve your marksmanship is to shoot your gun. Shooting glasses and ear protection are…

Piedmont Refuge Deer Hunts

Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge’s 35,000 acres of rolling terrain in Jones and Jasper counties may be the best public-hunting property in Georgia. My father certainly thought so in 1967 when he applied for a couple of deer-hunt permits and we went on our first deer hunt. Neither one of us had any real idea what…

Wilcox County 9-Point Buck Nets 154

Wayne Lawrence, of Dallas, shot an awesome 9-point buck on November 7 during the 2001 Georgia deer season while hunting in Wilcox County. Wayne had arrived at camp a little early on a Friday evening, so he went to a new piece of property and sat on the ground on a pond dam. At 5:40…

Shane Casper’s 160-inch Morgan County Buck

Prior to the 2001 deer season, Shane Casper, of Rutledge, received permission to hunt a 48-acre tract of land not far from his Morgan County home, but it was the second week of gun season before Shane and a friend had time to scout the property. Shane picked a spot along a small creek. Facing…

Burford’s Mitchell County Booner

For Tommy Burford, of Camilla, growing up in south Georgia was somewhat different because he happened to be born without hearing. There were communication barriers to overcome, but by learning to adjust with the gifts he was given, Tommy managed to complete a normal education, raise a family and become a successful businessman. Obviously, not…

Stand Selection For Early Season Bucks

I had been in my treestand for an hour, and — finally — the sky began to lighten in the east. My location was a big tulip poplar on the very edge of a thick beaver swamp. Tall privet surrounding the tree concealed my outline, and that of the portable stand. There was a food…

Bonnie Harrison’s 160-inch Hall County Buck

As the 2001 Georgia deer season began, the landscape sure had changed along the Gwinnett and Hall County line where 70-year-old Bonnie Harrison had lived for more than 25 years. What was once sure-enough Georgia countryside — mostly small farms, pastureland, and woods — is now cut by huge neighborhoods, shopping centers, and busy roads…

VOTES Results 2002

The Georgia General Assembly finally went home on April 12, 2002, ending the most-active legislative session in memory in terms of potential impacts on hunters. We asked sportsmen through last month’s VOTES card to tell us how they felt about four bills that were being debated. The results of what the legislators voted on can be…

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