

Late-Season Magic Produces Run Of Truck-Buck Entries

From the phone calls, letters and comments on the Rate Your Deer Season VOTES card, you’d think there were no deer left in Georgia. Many deer hunters are complaining of the worst season in memory. But the Truck-Buck contest tells another story, one of high-quality bucks and numbers that are second only to the record-breaking…

VOTES: Deer Hunters Not Happy With The 2004-05 Georgia Season

The 2004-2005 deer season was like every other season of late in that lots of really nice bucks were taken in all areas of the state. However, a signficiant number of hunters were not satisfied with how the season played out. A variety of factors probably led to slow hunting. An outstanding mast crop kept…

The Mystery Of The State-Record Muzzleloader Buck

Back in August, Darrin Russell, of Auburn, was browsing through the vast array of garage-sale merchandise at the J and J Flea Market off Hwy 441 just north of Athens. Suddenly an item in the back of one of the booths caught his eye. It was a huge set of antlers on a skull plate.…

Tales From Truck-Buck 2003-04

There were some very impressive whitetails killed during the archery weeks of Truck-Buck last year, but it is always the first few weeks of gun season, in particular the November weeks, that produce the most spectacular deer of the season. Last month we told you the stories behind our archery and primitive-weapons week winners in…

Fall Fiction: Buck No. 27 Part 1

Two minutes after midnight on the new moon in August, clouds hid the stars and a light wind kept the mosquitoes from landing on Lee Blantonʼs face. With his rifle propped on a pine limb, Lee flipped a switch on a camo-covered spotlight attached to the bottom barrel of his gun and a two-acre pea…

Big Lazer WMA Bucks

Georgiaʼs public hunting areas include a mixture of national and state land, including Wildlife Management Areas, Natural Areas, National Forests and a few State Parks that are open for hunting. The choices are scattered all over the state and include a wide variety of habitat and hunting opportunities. So how do you choose one if…

The Georgia Fab 40 Bucks Of 2003 Season

Last fall, as the Georgia deer season began to inch ever closer, the buzz among serious big-buck hunters was heating up. Factor after factor began to align, all favorable, all pointing toward the possibility — no, the probability — that the coming season was going to be a good one for big, mature, heavy-racked bucks. Last year, in…

Hunt Pressured WMA Bucks

The hunter had scouted the middle Georgia WMA two weeks before the quota hunt was to begin. He had combined the trip to include a squirrel hunt, along with the scouting, as the area was open to small-game hunting right up to the occurrence of the first deer hunt. One beautiful ridge of white and red…

Deer Dogs In The Morning, Deer Stands In The Afternoon

The cold air had my eyes just about in tears as Martin Johnson and I rolled down a wet four-wheeler trail straight for the Savannah River swamp in Screven County. Just off the road sat a very relaxed Mike Dotschay of Sylvania. He was leaned back on his four-wheeler with his back against a metal…

Story Of “Big Red,” A Jasper County Boone & Crockett Buck

Jasper County strikes again. Now when you look at GON‘s County-by-County listings each October you’ll see that the best five Jasper County deer listed are Boone & Crocketts! That’s getting right up there with the south Georgia powerhouses like Macon and Worth counties. However, these Jasper County Booners are all from the 1950s and 1960s…

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