

Wild In The Kitchen: Red Wine Venison Stir Fry

Stir Fry Venison With Red Wine This recipe is my favorite way to serve venison to visiting guests. Most brag that it is the best venison that they have ever had. 1 lb. venison cubed2 bell peppers, sliced2 stalks celery, chopped1/2 pounds mushrooms, sliced2 cups baby carrots, chopped2 tablespoons bacon drippings2 medium onions, choppedgarlic salt,…

Sportsmen Support License-Fee Increases, But Want Assurances

Most sportsmen seem to be generally in favor of a proposed license-fee increase, but there’s a strong sentiment that any additional funding needs to be used for hunting and fishing improvement and programs. Much of the support begins on a personal level. Most of us probably go to church with, have kids on the same…

Quota Hunt Applications Now Being Taken

With the July 31 deadline for alligator quota-hunt applications nearing, some GON readers have already discovered changes to WRD’s online application process. Before you apply for any online quota hunt this year, you’ll need to jump through a few easy hoops that are designed to make life easier for those who apply for quota hunts…

One State, One Deer Season

The DNR Board approved the proposed regulations changes put forth by the Wildlife Resources Division (WRD), and the result is one statewide deer-season length for hunters across the state. The Northern Zone and Southern Zone—forever a fixture in the Georgia deer-hunting regulations—are still there, but now they only apply to the baiting regulations. Baiting is…

Doe-Day Map Making A Return

When it comes to setting hunting regulations, it’s quite impossible to please everyone. Based on reaction to proposed changes to next year’s Georgia deer season, quite a few groups are far from pleased. Small-game hunters aren’t happy that the Northern Zone deer season would now stay open until the second Sunday of January. Meanwhile, Southern…

WRD Proposes Statewide Deer Season Closer on Second Sunday In January

Northern Zone deer hunters being permitted to hunt after Jan. 1 just took another step toward becoming a reality. WRD just released their 164-page proposed hunting seasons and regulations package for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 hunting seasons. That complete document is available at Scroll down to a link that will take you to the…

2015 Georgia Legislative Session: Harvest Recording System Coming?

Most sportsmen likely haven’t noticed, but your Georgia state senators and representatives have been meeting at the capitol in Atlanta since mid January. Lawmakers still haven’t adopted my personal belief that before any new law can be proposed they have to strike one existing law that’s overreaching or just plain stupid… Nor have legislators done…

Scores Announced For 2014-15 Truck-Buck And Youth Contests

It was an impressive scene as rack after rack from great Georgia bucks were handed off to be measured by official Boone & Crockett scorers. Scoring events for GON’s Truck-Buck Contest and the Youth Big-Buck Contest were held in Tifton on Feb. 21 in Madison on Feb. 28. A total of 273 racks were measured…

Truck-Buck Week 10 North

Week 10 North (Nov. 15-21) 1. Rick Aaron            Rockdale    150 3/8 2. Bryan Chambers   Meriwether 149 0/8 3. Ethan Strickland   Meriwether 147 0/8 4. Darrell Scarbro     Fulton        146 5/8 5. Bryan Fisher         Walton      144 1/8 6. Lane Sarver         Crawford  *151 4/8 7. Lainee Hudson (l) Crawford    127 4/8 8. Tommy Gunter     Jasper       125 5/8 9.…

Buck Loses Antler To A Coon

Since the invention of trail cameras, hunting has never been the same. Hunters use them to pattern and kill deer and turkeys, and even trappers are using them to figure out when certain critters are in the area. Trail cameras also let hunters capture some of that wacky and weird stuff that happens in the…

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