In early July, 2-year-old Camp Tatum, of Waycross, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. By the Grace of God, doctors at St. Jude Children’s Research hospital in Memphis, Tenn. were able to remove the tumor. After a biopsy, doctors have determined a minimum of six months of chemotherapy will now be required to battle the…
An African pompano caught 54 miles off the Georgia coast by a lady angler is pending state-record approval from DNR’s Coastal Resources Division. To date, there’s never been an African pompano submitted for a Georgia state record. “We were just fishing for fun, for kings, mahi and stuff like that,” said Capt. Danny Johnson, of…
For years, Georgians have been reporting sightings of big cats—mountain lions or cougars—but confirming photographic or other evidence never surfaces. However, several recent big cat sightings in Walker County have the attention of WRD and concerned citizens, especially considering that state biologists in western Tennessee have recorded six confirmed cougar sightings since 2015. Dogwood Circle resident Connie Forester in Walker County said she…
The Posse Comitatus Act is a federal law signed in 1878. The purpose of the act is to limit using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. Its primary purpose is to prevent a U.S. President—the Commander in Chief—from using federal troops against the U.S. citizenry. And so we come to…
In 2008, Beau Turner created the Beau Turner Youth Conservation Center (BTYCC) in north Florida for young people to have a place to go and discover and enjoy the outdoors. The center hosts several programs throughout the year that allow kids to learn about northern Florida, wildlife management and renewable energy sources. They are given…
As GON prepares to publish the annual Fab 40 article, a good ‘un showed up the other day that will appear on the exclusive list—and way up near the top, too. Every August, GON publishes its list of the top-40 bucks taken in Georgia the previous deer season. Joel Kauffman, of Marshallville, is the latest hunter who will now appear in the…
Saturday, June 11 was the annual Polk County Kids Fishing Event (KFE). This annual KFE takes place off Highway 113 in northeast Polk County on property owned by CW Matthews Contracting Co. The pond is large enough to hold quite a crowd of excited young anglers. DNR Law Enforcement Cpl. Chad Cox, who is the…
Retired four-star Gen. Dan McNeill came down the opening weekend of turkey season to hunt with renowned turkey hunter Claibourne Darden at his Taliaferro County farm. This is the location where Darden hosts the annual SEEDS Dove Shoot each September. Darden and McNeill have been friends for a number of years. In fact, Darden convinced…
There are some new fish in West Point Lake—41,264 to be exact. The DNR on May 12 stocked the lake with largemouth bass grown in a hatchery in Richmond Hill, near Savannah, according to Brent Hess, a fisheries biologist with DNR. “This is the first time we’ve ever done that, except for when it opened,”…
For the past several years, Gary Harrell, of Douglas, has camped out six nights a week at the Altamaha Regional Park in Glynn County, just to fish. Every evening he sets out many limb lines baited with bream in hopes of catching a monster catfish. “Since my father passed away, I had to find something…