Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, arguably the original epicenter of deer hunting in Georgia, is reviewing its management plan, as is required every 10 to 15 years. Refuge managers are required to consider the wishes of the public as they formulate their plans. To learn the wishes of the public, they are accepting public comment for…
DNR Parks can be applauded for taking action to control deer overpopulations on several state-park properties. Last year, deer-management hunts were allowed on three additional parks, Mistletoe, Bobby Brown and Tugaloo. Overall, hunting was allowed on 10 state parks. This year, DNR’s proposed hunting regulations include a management hunt on the state’s largest park, the…
The legislative session closed Friday, April 4, and just a few of the many bills sportsmen have been watching this year have made it to the governor’s desk for a possible signature. There was also some last-minute political finagling that killed one bill of interest to sportsmen and allowed one issue important to dog hunters…
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will not delay a contract to outsource the sales of hunting and fishing licenses and boat registration, despite calls to explore alternatives by sportsmen. In a letter to DNR Commissioner Noel Holcomb signed by 32 conservation organizations — from the National Wild Turkey Federation to the Georgia Bass Chapter…
The Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold four public hearings across the state beginning April 14, 2008. These meetings offer the public an opportunity to comment on proposed regulation changes, including a change to the mourning dove season in Georgia that shifts hunting opportunity to later in the…
As another legislative session nears a close, law-enforcement officers with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) remain hopeful they will get the same respect, in terms of salary, that other law-enforcement agencies have garnered. Last month 75 conservation rangers showed up at the Capitol to speak with legislators and distribute documents that show the work…
A decision by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to outsource the sales of hunting and fishing licenses and boat registration to a Missouri company, Central Bank, has raised the ire of sportsmen who had no chance to comment on the decision or examine alternatives. Last month, GON incorrectly reported that DNR was directed by…
The GONetwork and the Henry County Water and Sewerage Authority (HCWSA) hosted the third-annual Kids Duck Box Building Day on Feb. 16. The event, held at HCWSA’s Cubihatcha Outdoor Center in Locust Grove, attracted about 75 people, including 31 kids. The project, which began as an effort to simply get kids involved in an outdoor-related…
The dogwoods are starting to bloom, and the turkeys are starting to gobble! This can only mean one thing… some of Nashville’s top artists and the country’s biggest personalities in the outdoor world are packing their hunting gear, fueling up their tour buses, putting new tapes in their filming cameras and heading to the area…
Youth Elementary School in Loganville won the National Archery in the Schools Georgia Fun Shoot Elementary division title Feb. 9 at the Perry Fairgrounds. Brian Hobbs coaches Youth Elementary. The state Fun Shoot, coordinated by Wildlife Resources Division (WRD), is an annual event open to all schools enrolled in the National Archery in the Schools…