

VOTES: Voice of the Educated Sportsman

Each January, GON offers the chance to voice opinions on issues that affect sportsmen. This year the questions center around the future of deer hunting in Georgia as WRD prepares a 10-year deer-management plan. In addition to the annual Rate Your Season survey, other questions on this year’s January cover ballot center on important deer-management…

Thieves Steal Stands From Wounded-Veterans Group

A $1,000 reward is being offered with hopes to catch the lowlifes who stole five deer stands in Crawford County from a group that puts on hunts for wounded veterans. The stands were stolen near Lizella from the non-profit group Americans Helping Wounded Veterans—which uses 100 percent of all funds to put on hunts, with…

Auction To Benefit Youth-Focused Hunting & Fishing Ministry

An Georgia-based youth hunting and fishing ministry, 30-30 Ministries, is now collecting items that will be auctioned off by the Ward Auction Company (Georgia Auctioneer License # AU-C002893) in Cordele, Ga. on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014. “We are thrilled to be working with the great sportsmen in south Georgia who approached us with the idea…

Rules Regarding Georgia Power’s Properties & Powerlines

Editor’s Note: Georgia Power Company (GPC) contacted GON and wanted to address two issues they are regularly dealing with in regards to their properties and powerlines. Myth No. 1: Powerline rights-of-way are open to the public. Nothing could be further from the truth. In most cases, GPC has an easement with the landowner that only…

Webster County Sheriff Adds Another Youth Hunt

Since 2003, the Webster County Sheriff’s Office has hosted an annual youth deer hunt for a few boys from the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Home. The year’s event, which included hunting, fishing and skeet shooting, took place the second weekend of November. “Mr. and Mrs. Baker Alston, of Weston, have graciously let us use their beautiful…

Junior Collis Sinclair Tournament More Than A Fishing Competition

The 2013 Junior Collis Memorial Bass Classic presented by the Baldwin Backlashers on Lake Sinclair was a monumental success for both the anglers and Georgia Cancer Support. In a month when many outdoorsmen prefer to be in the woods chasing whitetail, 87 boats and more than 170 anglers flocked to Little River Park to show…

Oconee National Forest 170-inch GIANT

With WMA and other public-land hunts happening all over the state this month, it should encourage hunters to remember the old deer-hunting adage, "You never know what may show up during the rut." If anyone believes this saying, it’s Chip Johnson, of Milledgeville. While hunting on Oconee National Forest property in Putnam County on Nov.…

Rutting Bucks Showing Up

The first week of November is always exciting around the GON office as reports of rut-crazed bucks out and about pick up noticeably. One GON subscriber said he was hunting on Sunday evening and watched a nice buck run a doe so hard in a clearcut that it finally sat down and put its head…

WRD Seeks Input On Next Decade of Deer Hunting

As emotions among Georgia’s deer hunters are likely at an all-time high, WRD is gearing up for a series of 10 public meetings that will shape your deer hunting over the next decade. WRD announced Oct. 29 they are giving hunters the chance to participate in “Georgia’s 10-year Deer Management Plan” and weigh in on…

23-Pound Altamaha River Blue Cat Sets Bench Mark

There’s a new “cat” in town. The Altamaha River is known for it’s excellent flathead fishery, but it recently gave up a blue cat that was heavy enough to qualify for DNR’s Angler Award Program and will go into GON’s Georgia Lake and River Records. Eddie Hudson, of Screven, was fishing in the annual Wayne…