
Lake Worth

Lake Worth, also known as Lake Chehaw, is a small reservoir at the confluence of the Flint River, Kinchafoonee Creek and Muckalee Creek. The concrete Flint River Dam was built in 1908 for hydroelectric generation and is owned by Georgia Power today. Lake Chehaw is very riverine and shallow with average depths of 17 feet. In winter, the lake is drawn down nearly 10 feet in anticipation of flooding spring rains. In the Flood of 1994, the lake overflowed its banks and the dam itself was underwater at one point.

Lake Worth/Chehaw Resources

Georgia Fishing Articles

New Lake Oconee Flathead Record A Family Affair

John Burnett’s name will appear on GON’s Lake & River Records signifying his recent catch as the largest flathead catfish ever caught on Lake Oconee, but the Conyers angler says it was really a family affair. The 52-lb., 8-oz. flathead caught on April 23 has been certified as the lake record after being seen by…

Steed Takes New Satilla Redbreast Record

When Will Steed, of Hortense, headed for the Satilla River after work on April 26, little did he know he was on course for a head-on collision with fate and the fish of a lifetime. “Me and my son Carter got to the river around 5:30 and started bass fishing,” said Will. “The bass were…

Lake Rabun Gets New Black Crappie Record

New lake records are exciting, but when a 12-year-old provides a new benchmark for a fish, it certainly makes the story even better. Colter Cannon, of Clayton, was fishing Lake Rabun on April 23 with his dad Johnathon when he caught a new lake-record black crappie. The slab weighed 2-lbs., 0.16-os. on certified scales at…

Georgia Teen Angler Makes Bassmaster High School All-America Team

The unincorporated community of Ellerslie has a population of just 1,053 people. Like all small communities, what happens at the local high school is a really big deal. That is especially true of high school sports. Now, the community is buzzing about officially having a sports celebrity in its midst. Harris County junior fisherman Storm…

Six Wins $50,000 On Lake Hartwell

Story by Justin Brouillard | Photos by Tanner & Travis Lyons Saving the best for last, Drew Six weighed in his biggest bag of the tournament on Showdown Saturday to capture his first National Professional Fishing League (NPFL) victory. With 17-lbs., 7-ozs. on day one, 14-lbs., 13-ozs. on day two and 19-lbs., 1-oz. on day…

Record Fish Lake Worth Upstream To Blackshear Dam

White Crappie2-lbs., 0-ozs.Angelo Feros01/14/2013
Shoal Bass8-lbs., 5-ozs.Clark Wheeler04/16/2022