Lake Worth
Lake Worth, also known as Lake Chehaw, is a small reservoir at the confluence of the Flint River, Kinchafoonee Creek and Muckalee Creek. The concrete Flint River Dam was built in 1908 for hydroelectric generation and is owned by Georgia Power today. Lake Chehaw is very riverine and shallow with average depths of 17 feet. In winter, the lake is drawn down nearly 10 feet in anticipation of flooding spring rains. In the Flood of 1994, the lake overflowed its banks and the dam itself was underwater at one point.
Lake Worth/Chehaw Resources
Georgia Fishing Articles
March is a time of transition. Winter is still hanging on to its grip, but an occasional warm day promises the balmy spring weather to come. With that transition also comes a change in the fishing action on area lakes. Crappie fishermen love March. The fish begin schooling up and staging to prepare for the…
There are a few anglers who it seems can slap a big sack of bass on the scales tournament after tournament this time of year. As much as some would like to believe it’s luck, the guys who consistently wow the crowds are using no magic, but time-tested, methodical approaches to catching quality fish during…
After nearly six months of waiting, Japan’s Manabu Kurita is taking his place alongside Georgia angler George Perry in the record books. With a 22-lb., 4-oz. largemouth bass caught July 2, 2009, Manabu will now share the coveted all-tackle world record with Perry, whose famous fish was caught more than 77 years ago. In January,…
Each spring and fall a team of WRD biologists conducts an electrofishing survey of the brown-trout population on the Chattahoochee River below Buford Dam. I had the opportunity to be aboard the shocking boat during the fall survey in 2009 to observe the action. I met WRD Region Supervisor Chris Martin at Settles Bridge on a…
February can be a frustrating month for bass fishermen. A few warm days hint at spring and make the bass start feeding, and then a cold front shuts them down. But there is a way to temper this frustration — head south to Blackshear where warming temperatures will keep the bass feeding more consistently this month.…
Record Fish Lake Worth Upstream To Blackshear Dam
White Crappie | 2-lbs., 0-ozs. | Angelo Feros | 01/14/2013 |
Shoal Bass | 8-lbs., 5-ozs. | Clark Wheeler | 04/16/2022 |