

Lake Rabun Walleye Is New State Record

  A 14-lb., 2-oz. walleye caught Friday, Feb. 19 at Lake Rabun has been certified as a new state record. Guide Wes Carlton, one of GON‘s long-time fishing report contributors, caught the fish during a trip to Rabun with one of his regular customers and a mutual friend. “We started out that morning fishing for largemouth,”…

A Georgia Buck Named Trashy

This past deer season, C.E. Phelps Jr., of Warrenton, ended his quest for the buck of a lifetime. It began during the second week of gun season when C.E. got pictures of a giant non-typical buck on his trail cameras in Warren County. “I immediately called my son and grandkids to come look at the pictures of him,” said…

Cam Catches Coyote Attack On Mature Buck

Youngsters or those new to hunting in Georgia likely don’t know the history of our coyote situation. There was a time—hard to believe it really was not that long ago—when hunters first started saying coyotes were impacting deer. Those hunters were literally laughed at, publicly ridiculed on website forums—at times by folks with official-sounding titles…

New State-Record Crossbow Buck!

Georgia has a new state-record crossbow buck! Dennis Beck, of Duluth, is the fortunate hunter who recently learned that the Gwinnett County deer he killed on Oct. 31, 2015 now officially ranks as the best buck ever taken in Georgia with a crossbow. The 11-pointer nets 159 1/8 typical inches. Dennis wasn’t able to hunt until late September…

WMA Quota Turkey Hunt Deadline Is Feb. 15

Feb. 15 is the last day for hunters to apply for a 2016 WMA turkey quota hunt—both the general quota hunts and the adult/child quota hunts. You’ll need to apply online at Just click “Hunting,” and scroll down to “Quota Hunts.” It’s a simple process. If you just want to earn a priority point…

Wild Hogs In Georgia Targeted By USDA

Georgia’s costly feral hog problems are getting some assistance this year from the federal government, which allocated $20 million to battle swine infestations in 39 states. “It’s an allocation we have a share of—to assist you guys here in Georgia,” said Matthew Ondovchik, Georgia’s feral swine coordinator with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services…

Bobby Bond Receives NWTF Award

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division biologist Bobby Bond recently received the honor of Wildlife Manager of the Year by the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF). The award is given by the Georgia Chapter of the NWTF to recognize a WRD employee for their efforts at managing for wild turkey, raising public…

Rules For Deer Gear Giveaway

NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE DOES NOT INCREASE THE CHANCES OF WINNING. 1. Eligibility: Contest is open only to those who sign up through the QR code scanned during the AgPro GON Outdoor Blast and who are at least 18 years old at the time of entry. The sweepstakes is…

Chickasawhatchee Deer Hunt More Than Memorable

I really like happy endings. Such was the case for Jonathan Newsome, of Brunswick, during the Dec. 3-5 quota deer hunt at Chickasawhatchee WMA. “We had been planing this trip for months, but when it got down to leaving, it seemed as if we could not catch a break,” said Jonathan. “First, I took off…

VOTES: Voice of the Educated Sportsman

Each January, GON offers sportsmen the chance to voice opinions on issues that affect hunting and fishing in Georgia. An important question asked each year is the annual Rate Your Season Survey. This simple survey provides a consistent yearly look into how deer hunters feel about the quality of something they are passionate about. More…

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