

Chattahoochee and Sinclair Gators Caught, Others Still Out There

Recently it was documented that a rather large alligator had appeared once again near the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta. As of Tuesday, May 10, DNR successfully trapped and relocated the female alligator. She is 6-feet, 8-inches long with a significant portion of her tail missing, which would have put her in the 8-foot range. The DNR decided…

Striper Fishermen Angle For Live-Bait Fishing Below Morgan Falls

The Fisheries Section of Georgia DNR’s Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) is in the beginning stages of working with the Chattahoochee River National Park (CRNP) to potentially change a fishing regulation that would allow live bait to be used in the Chattahoochee River between Morgan Falls Dam in Roswell and Peachtree Creek. Currently, the use of live…

GON Auctions Rules & Conditions

GON Auctions features merchandise and services from third-party businesses. Using auction-style bidding, bids are placed on items, and the highest bidder is charged on a credit card and receives the item through GON. General Rules GON Auctions is a service provided by GON, Inc. By participating in a GON Auction, you acknowledge that you have…

Walton County Dominates 4-H Modified Trap

Editor’s Note: For an album of 4-H Modified Trap photos, go to the GON Facebook page, and for complete results, see the June issue of GON magazine. Hundreds of talented young shooters gathered together to compete against one another in the annual 4-H Modified Trap Shooting Competition held May 6-7 in Putnam County. The 4-H…

Extremely Rare Fish Caught From Lake Allatoona

David Ray, of Rydal, has been fishing Allatoona for 50 years and has never landed a fish like the one he caught on April 25. The morning began like any other. Every time David goes fishing, he catches his own bait to fish with. Typically, he goes for threadfins. “Early Monday morning, I landed a 3- to…

GON’s Outdoor Blast Returns To Gwinnett July 29-31

GON is heading back to the Infinite Energy Center, formerly known as the Gwinnett Center, to host the Outdoor Blast, our annual kick-off to hunting season. This year’s Outdoor Blast will be July 29-31. The Infinite Energy Center is a clean, well air-conditioned facility right off I-85 in a very nice area of Duluth. The…

Clarks Hill Produces 71-Pound Flathead!

Blake White, 27, of Thomson, has been fishing his whole life and picked up limb lining when he was 14 years old. Limb lining has been around for many years, and no doubt it’s a fun and very productive way to catch catfish. For limb lining, Blake uses 250-lb. braided cord with a 6- to…

Steve Burch, O’Neill Williams Inducted Into Hall Of Fame

Steve Burch, creator and publisher of GON, was inducted into the Georgia Hunting and Fishing Hall of Fame on April 23, 2016 at the Georgia Outdoor Writers Association (GOWA) annual conference held at Jekyll Island. Steve graduated from North Georgia College with a biology degree. After some time as an industrial water chemist, in 1982…

Top Bucks Recognized At G.O.W.A.’s Annual Conference

The Georgia Big Deer Contest is the oldest continuously operating big-deer competition in the state. It’s not the only contest, but it does have the longest uninterrupted history. Georgia’s DNR founded the annual contest back in 1968 for deer harvested during the 1967 season. Deer hunting was just making a comeback after years of restocking…

Find a Club, Land or Club Members With GON’s Free Hunting Land Coupon

In GON’s Hunting Land Special—a free classified listing that is published each July in GON—we connect hunters with clubs or landowners. All you have to do is get the information in the coupon to GON by the June 13 deadline. Here are three options to provide GON your hunting land information. All hunting land coupon…

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