The fisheries departments from Georgia and Alabama have combined efforts to stock 30,000 striped bass fingerlings in the Coosa River above Lake Weiss in the past month. The striper stocking, the first in this lake and river system since the mid 1980s, will supplement an existing population that is one of the few landlocked, freshwater…
Eight Georgians are vying to be our next governor. Before heading to vote in the primary election tomorrow, it’s good to learn more about these candidates. Where else but through GON can sportsmen learn if our next Georgia governor actually hunts or fishes, where they stand on gun control, and where they land on the issue…
The GON Outdoor Blast is excited to announce that Tree Lounger is joining the 2018 Blast Bargains campaign and will be offering many items at a discounted price during the show. Tree Lounger is known for their comfortable tree stands. Blast Bargains is a special part of the three-day Outdoor Blast—we’re bringing pre-season deals back…
It’s common knowledge that UGA quarterback Jake Fromm loves hunting and fishing. A fishing trip in south Georgia yesterday ended with a trip to an emergency room for Jake. Jake got a treble hook stuck in his left leg during a fishing trip with fellow UGA student Jordan Rowe on Thursday. Jake and Jordan made…
Grady County and south Georgia anglers will soon have reason to celebrate. A ceremony for the opening of Tired Creek Lake to fishing is set for May 25. Amazingly, the idea for this lake has been floating around since the Roosevelt administration when it was first suggested as a public works project during the Great…
Forty students from St. Pius X Catholic High School in Atlanta recently released trout into a stretch of the Chattahoochee River in Fulton County as part of the Trout in the Classroom project. This program is sponsored nationally by Trout Unlimited and supported locally by the Upper Chattahoochee Chapter of Trout Unlimited. This environmental education…
Are you used to pulling up at a boat ramp on Lake Lanier, getting your envelope out of the box, sticking in $5 and going fishing? If so, you need to know about big changes that took effect at some U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ramps on April 1. Citing safety reasons and an increasing…
On the afternoon of May 9, Jeffery Goodman, of Decatur, caught the new blue catfish record for Lake Sinclair, according to GON’s official records. The huge catfish weighed 51-lbs., 14-ozs. on certified scales. WRD Fisheries Biologist Keith Weaver confirmed it was a blue catfish and weighed it around 5:15 p.m. at the Walton Fish Hatchery.…
The GON Outdoor Blast is excited to announce that Phillips Outdoors Inc. is joining the 2018 Blast Bargains campaign and will be offering many items at a discounted price during the show. Phillips Outdoors Inc. offers a wide variety of scents, lures and attractants for hunting, trapping and fishing. Blast Bargains is a special part of the…
There is a new record channel catfish at West Point Lake, which fills a record that had stood as Open. Owen Knabe, of Newnan, landed the fish on April 22, and it weighed at 16-lbs, 7.5-ozs. to establish a new lake record channel catfish for West Point. Two species of invasive catfish—the blues and the…