

Dragon Lizards In Georgia! Tegu Sightings Spike In Toombs, Tattnall Counties

If you thought wild tegus were no longer an issue in Tattnall and Toombs counties, think again. Four Argentine black and white tegus were recently reported, on both sides of the county line. Mendes resident Seth Edwards had a crew raking pine straw off I.S. Smith Road in eastern Toombs County when the leader called…

Good Year For Georgia Bald Eagle Nesting

Chalk up another solid season for bald eagles nesting in Georgia. Annual surveys by the state Department of Natural Resources rated nest success for the national bird above average in most areas checked, according to survey leader Dr. Bob Sargent. “The findings were even better than last year’s good results,” Sargent said. “That’s most encouraging…

Watch For Tagged Catfish On Satilla River

For the second year in a row, Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) researchers are conducting a blue catfish tagging project on the Satilla River and need your help. Fisheries managers hope this study will allow them to learn more about this non-native species and better assess its impact. “As a large…

DNR Seeks Red Snapper Carcasses For Data Project

  The Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking help from recreational saltwater anglers in collecting data when recreational red snapper harvest is open on Friday, July 12. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is allowing the recreational harvest of one red snapper per person per day…

All Things Outdoor Blast

The 2024 Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast, presented by Dallas Safari Club (DSC), will take place July 26-28 at the LakePoint Champions Center in Emerson, north of Atlanta off I-75 at Exit 283. Below are highlights of what to expect. For more info, including a schedule of events, go to BBQ Village: Get a belly-full of…

New Shooting Range Opens In Union County

A new Union County Gun Range celebrated its grand opening and is ready for visitors. This range is one of more than 45 public archery and shooting ranges currently available in Georgia that is either operated or funded by the DNR Wildlife Resources Division. “In Georgia, target shooting activities have an annual economic impact of…

4-H Shooting Sports Recap For 2024

Beginning in January and going into March, thousands of kids from elementary age up to seniors in high school compete in the 4-H Project S.A.F.E. program. From archery to shotguns and even .22 rifles, kids are introduced to these sports, and a lot of them shoot better than seasoned adults. The state indoor archery match…

Dermond Murder At Lake Oconee Still Unsolved

Ten years have ticked by since the double murder of an elderly couple, Russell and Shirley Dermond, on Lake Oconee. At that time, local law-enforcement teams reached out to GON to spread the word among sportsmen and anglers in an effort to find any information that could help bring justice to the Putnam County case.…

Hancock Preps For Fourth Olympic Gold With World Cup Title

Vincent Hancock, three times Olympic skeet men champion, returned to the top of the podium in style today as he and Austen Smith earned skeet mixed team gold for the United States, just as they did at the same venue last year. Hancock, 35, will seek a fourth individual Olympic title in Paris this summer…

Snake Shows At 2024 Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast

If snakes make you squeamish, you can sit in the bleachers and still enjoy seeing and learning about a variety of live snakes, including a huge diamondback rattlesnake and other venomous species. Or, if you’d like an up-close experience that might even include holding a non-venomous snake, the Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast features a must-attend event.…

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