

Wife’s Tough Love Leads To Success In Deer Woods

It was 2011 and it had just become legal to hunt over corn in Georgia. Thomas Vann took advantage and killed a huge buck with his bow. It is a Wheeler County record that still stands today. Fast forward to the presidential election on Nov. 8, 2016. Before the night was over, Donald Trump would…

GON Youth Big-Buck Contest Winner Collects At Adventure Outdoors, Woods-N-Water

FAQ: what does it take to harvest a whitetail big enough to qualify for GON’s Youth Big-Buck Shoot-Out? Well, you can always get lucky. But Cody Gay, the 2023 Youth Shoot-Out winner, has provided a better answer: 300 hours on the trail of one—and only one—shooter. His dad, Ronnie, has seen this happen before on…

Deer Dogging Offers Family-Type Atmosphere

Though I write for GON monthly, this makes the first hunting story I’ve worked on in quite some time, and that’s not by accident. I’ll be upfront and honest. I’m not particularly fond of the direction the hunting sector as a whole is headed, and I haven’t been for a long time. Now, let me…

Good Dogs And Grandkids

We were only a few minutes into legal shooting time when a shot rang out behind me. “What are you shooting at?” I exclaimed as I whirled around. “A duck,” Easton answers as he slips another shell into his 20-gauge Beretta A390. “Did you hit him?” I ask. “Yes sir,” he replies in a calm,…

Borrowed Rifle Leads To Late Season Christmas Present Buck

We all know late season can be feast or famine for Georgia deer hunters. After several hard weeks of vigorous rutting activity in November, mature bucks that have managed to avoid hunters have a way of getting extremely scarce. As soon as the peak of rut has waned and no more receptive does can be…

Come November: Journey Proud

  Of all people, Mama was the one to notice the odd detail that showed up so plainly in the trail-camera photo. After the incident on Saturday with the two trespassers, who we knew had to be Clarence and Dace Maxwell, Mark and Luke had gone back the next day and set up two card…

Hunt Advisor Reports: Tips For December Deer

It’s not over! For much of the state, the excitement of peak rutting activity has waned, but there’s plenty of deer hunting opportunity that remains. The GON team of Hunt Advisors provide reports on how November played out in their areas, along with tips and tactics for December success. NORTH GEORGIA Chattahoochee National Forest: Tim Dangar,…

First-Time Hunter Tags Out In Just Two Hunts

Before this season, Elise Piotrowski, of Athens, had always enjoyed fishing and surrounding herself in the outdoors. The 23-year-old had always wanted to go hunting but didn’t know where to start; until she met Dakota. Elise met her boyfriend Dakota Bales, an avid hunter, in the summer, and with Dakota’s guidance and mentorship, it gave…

Outdoor Dream Foundation Hunt In Tattnall County

On Nov. 8-9 , Blake Jeffers of the Guide to Georgia Outdoors YouTube channel hosted the fourth annual Outdoor Dream Foundation hunt on his family farm in Tattnall County. Originally slated for the weekend of Oct. 8, the event was rescheduled due to the recent destruction of Hurricane Helene. “It’s been a mess down here,…

Piedmont NWR Gives Up Giant 173-Inch Buck

On Oct. 31, Chad Hutcheson, of Bladen, managed to take down a massive 14-point buck in the Jones County section of Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge during the area’s annual muzzleloader quota hunt. Like any good hunt story, the events that led Chad to that magical moment were pretty incredible. “Last season was my first time…

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