

Reports From the Deer Woods: October 2009 Scouting

The first two weeks of bow season were dampened by historic rainfall and flooding across parts of the state, but plenty of dedicated bowhunters found breaks in the weather to score early season success. As is typical this time of year in the deer woods, food is key. Bowhunters are finding soft and hard mast,…

The Swamp Bottom Buck Of Beagle’s Demise Part 2

A thunderclap rolled over the swamp bottom of Beagle’s Demise, a harbinger of the heavy rain Mike Shaw dreaded. Stuck in mud with water up to his armpits, he cursed his luck. No matter how hard he stretched, he could not put a hand on his canoe. It was wedged under a blowdown just out…

Silver Lake WMA Profile: A Public Property For All Seasons

While the budget crunch has some WMAs in the state disappearing altogether, there is a new one that will thrive thanks to funding from the state and several other sources. Silver Lake WMA, in Decatur County, offers hunters and anglers 9,200 acres of some of the most diverse hunting and fishing opportunities of any WMA…

Beat the Learning Curve This Alligator Season

The alligator has roamed this planet for millions of years. It has gone from predator to prey and survived near eradication from the continent in the 1950s. These beasts have been around since the time of the dinosaurs; they are the true Jurassic Park of our time. After three years of waiting for a tag…

Trophy Radishes Creating New Food-Plot Buzz

Deer were hungry. On a very cold day last winter, 96 deer were observed digging through a foot of snow trying to fill their bellies. Digging for the last remaining acorns? Clover? Rye? You probably could not guess what these 96 deer were digging for, so we’ll tell you: radishes. The above scenario occurred in…

The Swamp Bottom Buck Of Beagle’s Demise

Clark lurched forward and teetered as the mud squelched then gurgled, sucking with a firm grip on his right boot. He dug in hard, pushing with his left leg to free his right, then groaned in frustration as his other knee-high, rubber boot disappeared. With a slurp, he sank thigh-deep in the warm quagmire. “Dangit…

A Summer Sausage Run For WMA Hogs—With The Late Glen Solomon

Warning: Reading these adventures could be hazardous to your health as it may cause you to slide on some camo and head right out to your favorite WMA in 100-degree weather.   This article is my personal hog-hunting diary for my annual “Summer Sausage Run,” which is enacted every August and September. I usually only…

Winning The Hog Wars

Deer season had only been out 10 days. Many hunters were taking advantage of the two-month break between chasing whitetails and calling turkeys, but not Blaine Burley, of Wrightsville. On this cool January afternoon, he had a post-hole digger in his hands, slamming it 2 feet deep in the Johnson County soil, where he had…

Family’s Rabbit Hunt Was A Blast

“Is this Dana Carter?” I asked. When he confirmed his identity, I informed him that he had just won a guided rabbit hunt. You could hear the excitement on the other end as he asked the where and when of the hunt. Dana’s name was drawn from among a number of people who purchased raffle…

Hunt Late-Season Gobblers

Turkey hunting in general is tough, even for a seasoned veteran. But, turkey hunting toward the end of the season on can be down-right tough. As if turkeys aren’t hard enough to kill without a bunch of other folks educating them on what hunters sound and look like, turkeys have had all season to compare…

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