

GON Kids: One Shot, Two Deer Drop

Reese Hawsey, and his dad Chad, of Tifton, have been hunting together for quite some time. Reese, who’s only 10 years old, has had several chances at killing his first deer, but luckily for him patience prevailed. On the opening morning of rifle season, Reese and Chad went hunting on Turkey Pen Hunting Club in…

GON Fall Fiction: White Lightning Part 5

  “An obsession is a turrible thing,” Rocky Cooper said with a smile. “You surely don’t wanna get afflicted with one of them thangs if you can avoid it. Why, ya’ get to the point where you can’t think of nothin’ else until the thang you’re obsessed with comes to pass, and if it don’t,…

Weather Slows First B.F. Grant Hunt

B.F. Grant’s first quota hunt of the season is always a popular one. Coupled with the fact that the WMA operates under quality-buck regulations and the rut is wide open the first week of November, B.F. Grant’s first quota hunt of the season is traditionally one of the best in the state for shooting a…

SYC Ministries Hosts 16th Annual Putnam County Hunt

A Putnam County hunting club joined SYC Ministries and hit the woods for the 16th consecutive year on Halloween weekend. Branch Hunting Club has hosted the SYC (Special Youth Challenge) group since 2000.  SYC is a Christian based, non-profit organization geared toward helping handicapped youth develop skills to enjoy the great outdoors, mainly in hunting…

Rare Buck Killed In Lamar County

Some might say Christmas came early for Lee Summers, of Monroe. He took down a rare buck still in velvet on Nov. 15. While hunting that Sunday on private land in Lamar County, Lee and his son spotted three does. Closely following was the unusual buck. “At first it looked like something was hanging from his…

Coosawatee WMA: Home Of The Mountain Giants

Coosawattee, Talking Rock and Ogeechee. What do these WMAs have in common? Two of the three are no longer WMAs, and unfortunately, it appears that Coosawattee WMA could be the next in line to disappear from our WMA system. If you are not familiar with Coosawattee WMA in Murray County, just outside of Chatsworth, it’s…

The Buck Files

Two huge bucks taken this weekend are major stories on the Georgia deer hunting scene. A 12-pointer from the Cobb County suburbs is one of the best bow-bucks ever from Georgia, and a south Georgia Booner has been confirmed from Dougherty County near Albany. The Cobb County 12-pointer that was killed Saturday morning, Nov. 14, concludes…

Truck Stuck? Let The Fun Begin

  The situation is usually different, but the results are always the same. You’re heading down some dirt road to that secret honey hole, and there’s been quite a bit of rain lately. Suddenly your hunting vehicle begins to slip and slide as you lose traction on the muddy, rutted road. Quicker than you can…

170-class Monster Taken By Lady In Putnam County

Jill Brown, of Eatonton, killed the biggest buck of her life on the morning of Nov. 8. In recent years, Jill and her family moved to a place where they have plenty of private land to hunt on. In the last few months, neighbors nearby have been cutting timber, so Jill and her husband, Trent,…

Plantation Quail A Blast From The Blast

“Hello,” said the voice on the other end of the call. “Is this James Haygood?” I asked. “Who’s calling?” he cautiously replied. “James, this is Steve Burch with Georgia Outdoor News,” I said. “Oh… Yes sir,” he responded, “This is James.” I could hear the caution in his voice turn to curiosity. “Do you remember…

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