

Huge Lanier Catfish Caught And Released

Blake Buchanan, of Ball Ground, is an avid bass fisherman and spends a good bit of time on the water. “Thanks to my work schedule, I get to fish two to three times week,” said Blake. “I decided to take one of my normal fishing trips to Lake Lanier yesterday (Feb. 22). I got on…

Clarks Hill Ditch Bass During March

Clarks Hill bass will soon be moving up and staging for the spawn like they always every year in late February as early March do as water temperatures warm. Some winters in Georgia are dry, and Clarks Hill is known for low-water levels. This year, the lake is 12 feet below full pool as bass hit the…

Rare Fish Caught In Lake Allatoona

Bob Geresti didn’t expect his last-minute decision to go fishing one afternoon on Lake Allatoona to result in catching a rare breed of trout. A tiger trout—a cross between a brook and a brown trout—is a rare find in any Georgia lake, and until now one has never been documented from Lake Allatoona. The fish was…

Early Spring For Okefenokee Trophy Fish

Chain pickerel, warmouth, flier, bullhead catfish, bowfin… not exactly the who’s who of well-known sport- fish. But, in southeast Georgia, they are a unique assemblage of species, which make up the potential new lake-record list of fishes for the Okefenokee Swamp in GON’s Georgia Lake and River Records. While the various species can be caught…

West Point Fishing Guide Serving Veterans

In 2001, Ken Bearden met Joe Gilham, a Vietnam War veteran. The two men became close friends and frequently fished West Point Lake. Gilham suffered from exposure to Agent Orange, a defoliant used to thin jungle growth during the war. Gilham’s declining health didn’t stop them from fishing as often as his condition would allow.…

Big Lanier Spots Move Shallow Early

Some of the biggest spots in Lake Lanier are already moving to staging areas on rocky points near spawning areas in early February. You can catch a personal best spot right now by fishing crankbaits on these points. Lanier has developed a well-deserved reputation for producing magnum spots over the past few years. Five-pounders are…

Winter Bass In Paradise

Paradise PFA located just outside of Tifton offers up some of the best bass fishing in the state this month. With 68 lakes and ponds totaling 525 acres of water, the fishing possibilities are endless. And, you can bet as temperatures plummet and we get hammered by cold front after cold front, the fish will…

Quality Winter Bass At Lake Burton

Rocky points and brushpiles full of quality spots and largemouth feeding on shad and blueback herring. No, not Lake Lanier, but a little farther northeast at Lake Burton. Located near the mountain community of Clayton, Lake Burton produced the state-record spotted bass, an 8-lb., 2-oz. monster, in February of 2005. Winter is a great time…

Bartletts Ferry Bass On The Winter Rocks

What should a bass fisherman do on a cold January day? A good choice is go to a lake with lots of rock, a lake like Lake Bartletts Ferry, where an angler can expect to catch spots and largemouth. Rocks attract bass in cold water, especially when the sun shines on them, and bass you…

Southeast Georgia River Crappie

If you’re a crappie fisherman in Georgia, I think you would agree that December is undoubtedly one of the very best times to get the rod bent and load the cooler down with these tasty fish. Whether you fish Sinclair, Oconee, Lanier, Eufaula or anywhere in between, success is bound to be had. What about…

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