

Georgia BASS Nation High School Champs Eye Kentucky Lake

It’s a rare feat when experience combines with youth to produce the utmost success. That doesn’t mean it never happens. Upcoming high school sophomore Owen Moss and recent high school graduate Spencer Childers, of Pickens County High School in Jasper, recently won the Georgia BASS Nation State Championship at Lake Eufaula. Their next step is Kentucky…

Crooked River State Park Saltwater Fishing Vacation

All of us like a good deal. Whether it’s a good price on your buddy’s boat or a BOGO on your favorite lure, we perk up when we see a money-saving opportunity. For anglers, one such vacation opportunity exists in the southeast corner of our great state at Crooked River State Park. The combination of…

Ocmulgee River Cats With “Catfish T”

Flashback. The mid 90s in Jeff Davis County, Ocmulgee River. A gangly 10-year-old kid is sitting at the front of an old yellow fiberglass boat, busily setting bush hooks. In the back, Uncle Buddy is maneuvering the Johnson 25 among the mazes of fallen tree tops and logjams, holding the boat in the swift current…

Weiss Bass Get Back To Eating

As I slid my vessel into the fertile waters of Weiss Lake, my mind drifted back to 1985 and a time when life was simpler and youthful ignorance was bliss. My first boat was a gift from my father for an honor roll school year that both he and I knew was hard earned, and…

Seminole Bass With Two Top Bass Pros

Clint Brown and Matt Baty are two of the best bass anglers to ever fish Lake Seminole. Now I know that is a big statement to start a story out with, but hear me out, and I think you will agree. With several hundred wins on the lake between them, and close to half a…

June Bass On Blue Ridge

Why take a trip to the beautiful Georgia mountains for a summer fishing trip to Lake Blue Ridge? How about lots of aggressive spotted, some quality largemouth, and your best chance to catch a Georgia smallmouth. Fish rocks and brush in deeper water while watching for schooling fish on Lake Blue Ridge this month to…

Three River Throwdown Kayak Tournament

The Chattahoochee. The Flint. The Ocmulgee. For many Georgia anglers, the mention of these three rivers can bring up fond memories of years past. Some remember fishing as a kid with dad and paw-paw, chasing bream and small bass with crickets and red wigglers. Others might think back to an overnight fishing trip with high…

New Lake Burton Brown Trout Record

Not many people can say they have caught a lake record fish as an experienced angler, but 7-year-old Camden Rinckey can go ahead and check that off his bucket list. His 11-lb., 14-oz. brown trout is now the largest brown ever recorded from Lake Burton. Camden was up before the crack of dawn with his…

Eat A Bass?

There is a beautiful and basic concept in America, an interwoven web that involves hunting, fishing, proper management and a resulting bountiful and endlessly renewable resource. Are you missing out on part of your state’s natural resources by participating in catch-and-release bass fishing? Does your farm pond have a bunch of small bass and just…

Shark Found In South Atlanta Reservoir

Sam Martin was fishing with his son James and friend Ross Paul at the Blalock Reservoir in Clayton County on April 29 around 7 p.m. While fishing off of a rock at a more secluded area of the lake, Sam noticed a small dead shark floating on top of the water. “When we first saw…

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