A 26-year-old Darien man landed a record-breaking African pompano off the Georgia coast Saturday, March 13, 2021, and Richard and his catch have been certified as the new state record for that species. Richard Bjorneby, of Killdeer Road, caught the 47.8-inch (total length), 40-lb., 0.48-oz. fish near Navy Tower R4 aboard the vessel Anchored Up,…
Twelve-year-old Chandler Watkins, of Ellijay, knocked the old Carters Lake white crappie record clear out of the water with a 3-lb., 4.9-oz. slab he caught on Feb. 28. The old record was a 2-lb. crappie caught in 2019 by Joshua Higgins. Chandler isn’t exactly a stranger when it comes to catching big fish. “We are…
As a native of Stone Mountain, I’ve been fishing many of the local lakes and reservoirs for 50+ years. I am primarily a bass fisherman and fished the larger impoundments from a boat, but since purchasing a sit-on-top fishing kayak a few years ago, a lot of opportunities have opened up that are difficult to…
Looking out my front window as I begin working on this story, it’s raining… again. If there has ever been this much early spring rain in Georgia, I’m either too young to know about it, or old enough that I’ve forgotten about it. Bottom line is it’s made for some tough fishing, and I’m ready…
Somehow, somewhere along the line, the whole video game thing managed to pass me by. Guess there were better things to do with my metacarpus at the time. Making a living, for example. But after a day on Clarks Hill Lake looking for—and AT—bunches of crappie with Troy Thiel, I could easily find myself working…
Fish docks and rocks to catch March prespawn bass on Weiss Lake. That pattern may seem too simple, and it can be if you don’t fish the right docks and rocks. Focusing on the prespawn movement of bass will head you in the right direction. Weiss is a shallow 32,120-acre Alabama Power Co. lake on…
A day of fishing is good, but you know what makes it even better? A day you catch a new state record! Christian Blake Jones, of Swainsboro, was out targeting crappie on the Ogeechee River when he reeled in this new state-record hickory shad. His catch, caught on a stretch of the Ogeechee in Emanuel…
A combined effort by anglers and agencies is seeking to add shallow-water habitat at lake Allatoona for largemouth bass. The E3 Bassmasters of the Georgia Bass Nation, Allatoona U.S. Army Corps of Engineers volunteers, and the Georgia DNR conducted the final phase of a habitat enhancement project on Lake Allatoona on Feb 6. The project…
On Jan. 23, history was made on Lake Seminole as the Georgia High School Association held its first-ever bass tournament. The event drew an impressive 120 boats filled with two-man teams from every corner of the state as anglers battled for a chance to qualify for the state championship that will take place on May…
Fish rocks and docks for February Lake Oconee bass. That simple pattern will put fish in the boat all over the lake, and many different baits will catch them. Weather will play a part in how active bass will be, but you can catch fish under any conditions. Lake Oconee is a Georgia Power Co.…