

Christmas Tree Drop-Off Stations On West Point, Allatoona

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a pair of news releases yesterday with information for those interested in turning their live Christmas trees into fish habitat. The drop-off locations are in various locations around West Point and Allatoona. Lake-specific information is below. West Point Christmas Trees The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at West…

2,000 “Freeze Brand” Largemouth Stocked Into West Point

Georgia has stocked 2,000, 10-inch largemouth bass into West Point Lake, and fishermen will be able to tell if they catch one of those fish. The bass carry a brand that makes them easy to identify. “We freeze brand them with dry ice,” said Brent Hess, Fisheries Biologist II from the District I office in…

8-Pound Oconee River Bass Likely Crossbreed

It’s often been said that fishermen are the biggest advocates in the preservation of the very fish they set out to catch. Members of the Georgia College Bass Fishing Team certainly proved that Monday as nearly a dozen of them worked to get a bass—later guessed by WRD Fisheries biologists as a cross between an…

Clarks Hill Lake Live-Bait Linesides In December

Live-bait fishing for hybrids and stripers can be crazy good this time of year on Clarks Hill, with limits in minutes when the fish are bunched on points and humps feeding on herring—if you’re there at the right time. If you’d like to see proof, take a look at fishing guide Eddie Mason’s Facebook page…

Winter Grass For Sinclair Bass

December is a great month to fish hydrilla beds for quality largemouth. At Seminole? No, at Lake Sinclair! Hydrilla showed up in the river at Sinclair a few years ago and is now widespread all over the lake. It has greatly influenced the bass population, making the average tournament limit increase in weight quite a…

Flounder Stocking Program Makes Headway

In May 2021, South Carolina lawmakers funded the development of a program to stock young flounder into state waterways. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) biologists are now making headway on the project, with facility renovation plans, genetic sequencing, adult fish collection and visits to flounder-growing facilities underway. Southern flounder are one of the…

Kristine Fischer Wins Kayak Tournament Of Champions Event On Eufaula

Kristine Fisher, who is orginally from Nebraska but now lives on the road fishing tournaments and producing social-media content, became the first female to earn one of the most prestigious titles in professional tournament kayak fishing with a win at Lake Eufaula this weekend. The 2021 Hobie Bass Open Series (BOS) Tournament of Champions was…

Warmouth Record Set For Ohoopee River

On a fishing trip when they were slap wearing out the white perch—known as crappie to anglers in some parts of Georgia—leave it to a record-sized warmouth to shake things up. Thomas Corbin is the Treutlen County Sheriff. He’s also an avid fisherman and GON subscriber who, particularly in the past 10 years, has been…

Ocmulgee PFA Bass

Some anglers pay hefty fees to join a trophy bass pond for a chance to reel in a 10-lb. plus bass. But for the price of a fishing license, Georgia anglers can drop a line in Ocmulgee PFA, near Cochran, and have a chance to reel in a trophy bass of a lifetime. However, no…

Blue Ridge Mountain Bass In November

If you’ve never headed to the mountains to fish Blue Ridge, the scenery this month is well worth the trip. The fishing is great, too. Fish the herring migration pattern this month at Blue Ridge, and you’ll catch big spotted bass, and throw in some largemouth and maybe a smallmouth. Herring imitations fished on rocky…

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