Georgia has seen three state-record fish in the past four months. Could another record fish have been caught last week? We will never know because the angler chose to release a huge yellow perch that based on measurements would have been close to state-record proportions. Patrick McCorkell was fishing below the Thurmond Dam in the…
Lake Eufaula has long been deemed the Big Bass Capital of the world. And though she is fishing a little stingy this spring so far, there are still more than a handful of big bites to be had on this 45,181-acre impoundment along the Chattahoochee River. The talk around town is that the recent spraying…
Bass fishing in rivers is different, plain and simple. And it’s also interesting and fun. For those of us accustomed to fishing flat water in reservoirs, fishing a big river like the Savannah down near the coast is different. You have to adjust to current, tides and food sources on the river, but the payoff…
“It’s always great on top …” in oh, so many ways! That long-time saying applies equally to business, song charts and being on top of the world and even fishing. When a fish strikes a lure on the surface of the water, it’s one of the most exciting—and anticipated—moments in an angler’s day of fishing. …
Lake Burton offers some great options for catching quality bass in April. Whether you like sight fishing in coves for largemouth on the bed, catching big spots bedding on rocky points or landing both species on those rocky points as they feed on herring and shad, Burton can be super in April. Lake Burton is…
A two-year bass tagging project on the Flint River conducted by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) and Auburn University is currently underway. Through this project, biologists are tagging shoal and largemouth bass that are 12 inches or longer in the Flint River between Warwick Dam and Lake Seminole. “Data from…
The southwest corner of Georgia is a fishing paradise with 37,500-acre Lake Seminole. It’s been said by locals that you can fish Seminole for the rest of your life and never need to leave the lake and venture anywhere else. However, in recent years the region has enhanced its reputation as a fishing paradise. Lake…
Jackson Sibley says unashamedly that he loves his life that revolves around fish. You’d think that the 32-year-old WRD fisheries biologist would get his fill when he goes to work every day, but he can’t wait to rush home, hook up his boat and go fishing—sometimes every afternoon. “I live and breathe fish,” he said…
Warmer days and trout stocking trucks hitting the road signal abundant trout fishing opportunities across north Georgia. Thanks to the long-standing partnership between the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Wildlife Resource Division (WRD) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), anglers can look forward to another great year of trout fishing. “The renovation…
Austin Skinner didn’t finish in the money in the Berry’s Tournament Trail event on Lake Oconee, nor did he come that close for big fish. But he did get a pretty good consolation prize that caused quite a buzz with WRD biologists. Austin was fishing a Carolina rig with a Zoom green-pumpkin lizard when he…