

WRD Fisheries Lineside Stockings Total 3.4 Million Fish in 2022

Creating live creatures in a laboratory may seem like a dastardly scheme out of some B horror movie, but it’s a process that many Georgia fishermen live for. For many of those fishermen, the lineage of their biggest fish ever can’t be traced back to Mother Nature.Those fish got their beginnings in WRD Fisheries hatching…

Satilla River Specks

As I am beginning to type this story, what seems to be the last few drops of rain from Tropical Storm Nicole can be heard as they splatter on my roof. Originally forecasted to receive huge amounts of rainfall, my old trusty rain gauge says we only got a little more than 2 inches at…

The Way Jug Fishing Used To Be

I don’t think of cars when I see one. I don’t think of engines. I don’t think of anything to do with land. To this day, over 30 years later, I still see water when I look at a quart oil jug. I see the stained brown water of Lake Oconee. I see the 12-foot…

5 Baits That Catch Winter Bass

As the freezing temps settle in across the South, the bass fishing slows down quite a bit. Many anglers trade the rods in for rifles and choose to warm the seat of a tree stand, as they shiver and shake trying to stay warm.  Now I’ve done a little deer hunting the last few years,…

Deep Holes Near Grass For December Seminole Bass

Lake Seminole is far enough south that the fall feeding spree you enjoyed up north in October and early November is still in full swing this month. You can catch shallow Seminole bass feeding up during December in a variety of ways, but rather than getting ready for winter, they are already getting ready for…

Winter Crappie Fishing On Coosa River Reservoirs

If you love to head to the woods this time of year to pursue white-tailed deer, Capt. Lee Pitts is right there with you. However, if you want to take a break from the deer stand and catch crappie on Weiss or Neely Henry reservoirs, Pitts is your man. “If you want to catch crappie…

Emmanuel College Pair Wins State College Title On Lanier

Parker Guy teamed up with Tyler Campbell to represent Emmanuel College in the Georgia Bass Nation state championship that was held on Lake Lanier Oct. 8.  They won with five bass weighing 17.58 pounds and had big fish with a 4.49-lb. spotted bass. Their weight beat out 17 other college teams, and the win earned them…

Solid Gold Crappie A Rarity

A golden crappie was recently caught in Missouri in a private pond, and the rare fish made national news. Holly Haddan’s once-in-a-lifetime catch was identified by officials as a golden crappie, which is born with a genetic condition that makes its scales a shiny, vibrant yellow color.  Xanthochroism causes yellow pigmentation in animals, similar to…

61-Pound Blue Catfish Sets West Point Record

  A huge catfish set a new lake record on West Point Lake, setting the mark for blue catfish on the Chattahoochee River reservoir as a tough record to break. Jerrimie Tolbert boated a West Point blue cat on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022 that had a certified weight of 61 pounds.  Jerrimie was fishing with…

Alapaha River Bottom Fishing

If you are looking for an outdoor activity to get you feeling truly immersed into the autumn season, try your luck in wetting a line in the scenic, dark waters of the often-overlooked Alapaha River of south Georgia. What do you want to fish for? You name it. The fish diversity is quite impressive. Pretty…

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