It’s amazing the number of trout anglers you’ll see trudging toward the parking lot to head home an hour or two before dark, just about the time the fish begin to really ramp up their feeding in the waning light of day. If you’re one of the folks hoofing it off the river when the…
Friends of Dr. Al West would be pleased to recall a recent Saturday on Lake Oconee, and more similar Saturdays to come. Dr. West had a special interest in helping those with special needs and was particularly fond of taking these special people fishing. When Dr. West passed away, many of his friends thought…
The Scat II beat its way southeasterly into the 4- to 6-foot seas that were being pushed north by a stiff 20-knot breeze. The clear May dawn promised fair weather, but a bumpy ride and rocking horse fishing at the snapper banks. At her helm, perched in the captain’s chair, sat her designer and…
It was an overcast morning a few weeks ago as Will Sizer and I left the boat ramp in Beaverdam Creek. In short order we were fishing spinnerbaits on a rocky bank just off a main-lake point. Threadfin shad began to flicker on the surface. “Shad are spawning,” said Will. Indeed they were. One of…
A new lake-record hybrid mark was set on April 20, 2009 when Steve Jones, of Lakemount, reeled in a 9-lb., 8-oz. hybrid bass from Lake Rabun. Hybrid bass are a hatchery-made cross between white bass and striped bass. Hybrids are more warm-water tolerant and do much better than stripers in reservoirs that don’t have cold-water…
Crossroads Baptist Church held their latest “God’s Great Outdoors Ministries” event April 24-25 at Lake Oconee. In an effort to share God’s word in the great outdoors, they hosted “Jugging For Jesus,” a youth catfish jugging trip, where 30 kids caught more than 400 catfish. “The success of this jugging trip was absolutely incredible,” said…
Georgia fishermen have a dilemma in May; there are just too many good lakes to fish right now. What makes one stand out? Consider the big spotted bass at Lake Lanier, where low water has reduced fishing pressure for a couple of years, and the spots are big, strong and feeding heavily. Lanier is a 40,000-acre Corps of Engineers lake that was filled in 1956.…
Modern day bass fishing began its transformation a little more than 40 years ago when an Alabama insurance salesman named Ray Scott had the idea of an organized bass-fishing tournament series. It was a long, hard road for Mr. Scott, but his name and the association he started, Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (B.A.S.S.), have transformed…
Jason Harrison, of Resaca, set the mark for the biggest striped bass ever recorded from the Conasauga River. Jason’s striper, caught on April 5, 2009, weighed 22-lbs., 10-ozs. The lower Conasauga is part of the Coosa River Basin, with waters that ultimately flow into Lake Weiss. The Coosa River above Weiss is one of the…
Picture this: The wind has died to a flutter on a warm spring afternoon, and the mid-day slack of a high tide reveals gentle furrows across the width of the Broad River where it dumps into Port Royal Sound. You’ve been on the water all morning preparing for this one hour, and the sun beats…